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Questions & Answers

A couple suggestions: How about relevant case law you can incorporate onto your site. Many cops don’t know they can do certain things because they just don’t know. What do cops do the most of, usually traffic stops. For ex. When can you search a car? What about a trunk. Does the smell of cannabis give you probable cause to do a search beyond a protective pay down? Yes! Also, for your DUI section I think it would be useful to explain how you do your SFsT and explain how many clues you need. Another thing I seen coppers have trouble with is court dates when you have movers along with an arrest. They usually don’t know what date to use or when to leave it blank. I think relevant case law, typically the case law we deal with on a daily basis(searches, pat downs, RS, showups, juveniles, etc) would be helpful. You should also have a weapon recovery section. 143a!

I'll for sure be working on something like this. There is already some material posted, but you'll have to be a registered user to see the information.

What about a search warrant section?

Yes, I plan to put something like this up. This is only going to be for registered users of course.

005th district does not have beat maps attached to site.

I don't plan to make any custom beat maps for any other districts, unless there is a huge request. I made 007, because I work there.

DUI chemical testing law just changed. It was ruled unconstitutional . On AMC page. you now need the subject's consent or a search warrant. you need to call Felony Review Immediately.

Thank you for the heads up. I made the change.

Do you mind making a spanish version of the double sided VIN and DIN pdf file please? thanks
