Traffic stop resulting in driver with expired driver's license.
License expired for 11 months
Driver recently moved 8 days ago
Driver has insurance
Driver is an Illinois resident
Probable cause for stop was no tail lights
The Question
Which address do we use on the citations?
Do we use the address on the driver's license or the new, current, residential mailing address?
Additional Information To Consider
The below directives indicate the importance of using the correct address on personal service citations, in this case, for a DUI scenario.
Special Order S04-08-04, IV-D-8-e
Special Order S04-08, III-C-3-e “given notice of summary suspension of driving privileges to the above named person by depositing in the United States Mail said notice on the envelope with the postage prepaid to the said person at the address as shown on the Personal Service citation. ”
The address used to send the notice of summary suspension, therefore, will be the address on the mover, NOT on what is listed on record with the Secretary of State.