how to read LEADS results from PDT, name and vehicle
pull a RD# by PDT, AIRA, and dispatch
Fundamentals of patrol ie what to look for. I also cover driving here
Proper report narrative writing Case, Arrest, Complaints.
Crime scene protection and notifications.
Landlord Tenant and Domestic Incidents.
Searching of prisoners &inventory.
All the fundamentals. How to make radio transmissions, understanding and operating PDT, BWC operation, conducting name checks, case and arrest report writing, movers, Parker’s, anov’s.
Name and vehicle checks via LEADS and OEMC. Radio vernacular. AIRA and CLEAR navigation. Arrest packet content. TVB. Patrol procedure i.e. foot, high visibility, canvassing. Perhaps a little emphasis can be placed on WHY we do things instead of “do it this way because that's how it's always been done”. Review of the elements of offense for the most common calls in the district or even just the basics such as assault, battery, domestic battery, criminal trespass, robbery, and theft. Searching vs pat down. Station tour. Sergeant and Brass introductions. Role functions of the district. Chain of command review. BWC review. Street stops. Traffic stops. CTA checks. ANOV, traffic citation, and parking citation review and for some introduction.
Everything depends on the district that you’re working in. Some districts are fast pace others are not. Also the type of clientele your district offers. Example…if you work beat # 421 you will be very well trained on domestics as this is what that beat has to offer. But fundamentals are mostly important. Learning the basic patrol concepts. Such as slowing down as you drive in patrol. Driving too fast you will miss what’s happening around you. Learning how to talk to people is a great basic tool. If you don’t know how to do this, you will never gain info needed to complete your investigation. So when a 3 year PO becomes a detective that PO will have a hard time talking to people who could help him or her in that investigation. They never learnt the basics in just talking to people so now you're a detective it is hard to get info from the citizens.