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- To Check Status
- Read article above. Kenyatta Gaines handles all the stipends for LEMART, CIT, and bike.
In the event not paid, email
Must include training certificate and timecard.
- FOP Stipend Discrepancies
- AMC Reference #309482 24-June-2024 1057
FOP members who believe they should have received stipends for Bike, CIT and LEMART must submit a discrepancy for each stipend at the FOP STIPEND DISCREPANCY portal at the following address:
The link can also be found on the Wire under What's New. Log in with your email address, click on “Click Here to begin your Payroll Request” and submit a separate request for each stipend. Members who have previously sent inquiries to Payroll must submit a discrepancy to the portal to have their eligibility verified, Thank you for your attention.
- Chicago Ordinance O2023-0006332
- Office of the City Clerk - Official
- Collective Bargaining Agreement
- FOP - Official - Local Copy
- Illinois Labor Relations Board - Official - Local Copy
Stipends - LEMART, CIT, Bike Officers
- Section 2, subsection H, page 3 - extracted page
- Effective January 1, 2024, Officers certified for LEMART, CIT, or Bike Officer shall receive an annual stipend of $1,000. The CIT and Bike Certification stipends shall be paid on a quarterly basis ($250/quarter). Payment of the stipend shall be made in the last pay period of the quarter following the quarter in which the stipend was earned.
- Section 15 Upgrades and Stipends, page 16 - extracted page
- With respect to LEMART stipend, eligibility is conditioned upon the Officer carrying the IFAK (individual first aid kit). With respect to the CIT stipend, the parties agree that eligibility for the Stipend is limited to those Officers who voluntarily participate and remain in the CIT program. To be eligible for the Bike Officer stipend, the Officer must be available for events that necessitate the assignment of Bike Officers. All three stipends will be paid on a quarterly basis ($250 per quarter). Payment of the stipend shall be made in the last pay period of the quarter following the quarter in which the stipend was earned. As a further condition of eligibility for any of the three stipends, the Officer must have been eligible for field assignments during at least half of the preceding quarter. In calculating eligibility pursuant to the preceding sentence, time in pay status due to furlough, baby furloughs, personal days, and approved injury on duty leave under Section 18.1 shall be included.
When Do We Get Paid
- Based upon the above statement, “last pay period of the quarter following the quarter in which the stipend was earned”.
- Annual quarters are
- January 1 – March 31
- April 1–June 30
- July 1–September 30
- October 1–December 31
- Breakdown example
- last pay period (pay date 22 June 2024) of the quarter (April 1–June 30) following the quarter (January 1 – March 31) in which the stipend was earned
- To summarize, we will get our stipends as follows:
- Paid on 22 March for previous year October - December eligibility
- Paid on 22 June for current year January - March eligibility
- Paid on 22 September for current year April - June eligibility
- Paid on 22 December for current year July - September eligibility